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    Getting out to visit Family Safely during the Holidays
    0 Getting out to visit Family Safely during the Holidays

    Getting out to visit Family Safely during the Holidays! 

    The holidays are here, and so is the stress that comes with them. This time of the year can be a wonderful means to connect with loved ones, enjoy delicious food, and perform traditions generations old. A time when we gather with the ones we care about, to appreciate one another, and celebrate. However, the stress that comes with the season can be different depending on the person.  

    While some may worry about the perfect gift to give their loved ones or preparing and cooking food, those with mobility challenges may worry about hardships that are normally taken for grantedPeople with mobility issues may perceive it’s easier to stay at home than endure an entire complicated journey just for dinner. 

    Often, people experiencing issues with mobility will be left out of holiday gatheringsExclusions can create mental health strugglescausing a person to feel isolated, embarrassedand resent a time that should be celebrated. Normally, these exclusions are not malicious and can be attributed to the fear of not knowing how to navigate challenges in alternative environments, for example, having to eat at another person’s home, transportingin and out of cars, or maneuvering around unfamiliar locations and terrain.   

    Fortunately, most of the concerns mentioned previously now have proactive solutions and noninvasive tools that would allow the inclusion of all loved ones. If a person and their loved ones are prepared ahead of time with such devices, this will help make the transition smooth and safe when visiting family outside the home. 

    Every Veteran’s situation is different and should be accounted for on a case-by-case basis, but a few items that may be valuable to safely mobilize a Veteran and make for stress-free holiday traveling are further outlined below 


    Veterans experiencing limited mobility will find the Automobility Solution especially useful for getting in and out of an automobile with less stress and strain, making car transferboth easier and safer. The Automobility Solution by Standers is universal and durable with a 350-pound weight capacity and allows Veterans to transfer to and from a vehicle easier, without difficult twisting or straining.  

    This is a combination item that includes two helpful car transfer aids.  

    The Swivel Seat Cushionhas a soft, quilted, padding cover and a non-slip base that keeps the cushion in place. This seat rotates 360 degrees,to help pivot legs around to enter and exit the vehicle.  

    Also included is a Handy Bar that has an ergonomic grip to provide stability to assist with sit to stand from any low-to-the-ground vehicles, SUVs and trucks.The handle inserts into the U-Shaped striker plate on the car door frame, providing leverage for pushing in and out of your vehicle.  

    Veterans having trouble maneuvering in and out of cars, which is the basis behind their exclusion in joining the holiday funcan feel confident in the device to transport them to their desired location.  

    Automobility Solution 

    Veterans using an assistive device might be more apprehensive about leaving home. Traditional walkers are bulky and heavy, making it hard for the Veteran or a caregiver to put the device into the car. Veterans will sadly opt to not go out due to the burden of their walking device. Even worse, a person experiencing limited mobility may decide to not bring a walker all together, which can ultimatelyincrease stress and create dangerous conditions where a fall can occur.  

    The safe functional mobility solution would be to use The EZ Fold & Go Walker from StanderThis rolling walker is lightweight and portable. Weighing less than 8 lbs.,and supporting up to 400 lbs. users, this device is the solution to mobility struggles.With the lift of a finger, it folds 4x smaller than your average walker to quickly store in your car, the overhead compartment of an airplane, or discreetly by your side when not in use. Unlike traditional walkers, the Fold & Go can fit through narrow doorways and tight spaces; making it ideal for indoor use at home or navigating restaurants. It can adjust to fit anyone from 4’10” to 6’8”; and for extra convenience, it comes with an organizer pouch for personal items.  

    This assistive device is a perfectsimple, and lightweight addition for a Veteran to own for safe and stress-free navigation when traveling. Take control of your walker, do not allow weight and transferability to dominate your ability to travel this holiday season. 

    EZ Fold-N-Go Walker, Rolling Walker


    If a Veteran needs minimal assistance with transfers or steady assistance with ambulation, it is a good idea to consider having a gait belt, also known as a transfer belt. A caregiver or family member can secure the gait belt around the Veteran’s waist, then grab the belt to steady the Veteran as they move around together.  

    When used properly, a gait belt reduces the chance that a Veteran might accidentally fall, as well as reduce fear and injury between caregiver or family member. Gait belts are usually a few inches wide and vary in lengths. The belts are made from canvas, nylon or leather with a buckle at the end and optionally loops for holding.  

    There are two main types of gait belts: a standard design with a metal buckle featuring loops and teeth and a quick-release design featuring a plastic buckle that snaps in place. It is a simple but incredibly effective tool for helping Veterans move around and retain as much of their own mobility as possible  

    It’s important to note that a gait belt should not be used to lift or move Veterans outright. If the Veteran is not able to partially move themselves, an alternative and safer method must be used. Lastly, use caution when using a gait belt with a Veteran, especially if they are recovering from a condition that affects the abdomen or lower back region, as well as any possible apparatus near the abdominal area. 


     gait belt


    There are times when Veterans have difficulty transferring from one surface to another and require the assistance of a family member or caregiver. This could be especially challenging when a Veteran is outside their home during the holidays and not in their normal, comfortable environment. In these instances, it would be beneficial to consider the ETAC Molift Raiser Pro. 

    The device offers Veterans a safe and comfortable way to transfer from sitting to standing as well as, ensure safety with short-distance transfers such as between chairs, wheelchairs, and toiletsThe ETAC Molift Raiser Pro is a manual lift that is designed to provide active standing, safe transfers to the Veteran, and at the same time the best possible ergonomic conditions for the caregiver.  

    Ever worry that a Veteran is, too unsteady to ambulate with one caregiver or toheavy to lift and to stand alone, or maybe that they would not be able to make it in time or safely to the bathroom? Well, the ETAC Molift Raiser Pro is stable and can turn within its own radius making it easier to maneuver, and is ideal in confined spaces, for instance in toilets. 

    The Etac Molift  Raiser Pro offers Veterans a safe and comfortable way to transfer from sitting to standing and is suitable for use with a single caregiver.The handle features a five-point star design that provides many grip positions for the user to place their hands comfortably and securely. The unique leg support is designed to be easily adjusted with one hand. Similarly, wheel locks (right or left) will lock both wheels simultaneously, providing a safe braking solution in space limited environments.  

    The soft padded leg support improves comfort and is simple to adjust the height with only one hand. The base is designed with a low step on height making it easy for users to place their feet on the platform and is low enough to the ground that it fits under beds and wheelchairs. The handle comes off the base plate for easy storage and transport in a car, with no tools necessary for assembly.  

    Strap options for the Etac Molift Raiser Raiser Pro are available separately and are designed for different levels of Veteran capability. A safety strap or raiser belt easily hooks on to the front and wraps around the patient's back for increased safety, security, and stability. For Veterans who need a little help the strap with a sliding sleeve lets the caregiver pull them upward from a sitting position with ease and vise versa. Veterans with reduced arm reaching mobility can order the extended soft handles to provide an extended grip. The Etac Molift Raiser Pro provides Veterans with limited mobility and their caregivers a safe and easy way to transfer from sitting to standing. 


    Molift Raiser Pro Sit to Stand Aid

    When traveling outside the home for the holidays whether it be to a family or friends house, restaurant, festive show,or even to a vacation destination, a transport chair is an ideal choice to allow a Veteran with mobility challenges to go places they otherwise could not. Some Veterans may have decreased balance and endurance with ambulation and only can tolerate walking short distances. A transport chair can provide a safe antemporary solution to allow a Veteran to continue to participate in holiday celebrations with freedom.  

    Having a transport chair has great valuethey are inexpensive and lightweight, which may benefit Veterans who have a caregiver who cannot lift or maneuver a heavier wheelchair. They are designed to travel and can be folded, stored in the trunk of a car easily. Transport chairs are compact, with a slim profile and do not have large wheels for self-propulsion. Instead, a family member or caregiver pushes the chairfor the Veteran to gain access to certain areas of an event.  

    Aluminum Transport Chair

    It is essential to recognize that every individual, regardless of their mobility abilities, deserves the opportunity to participate in holiday festivities. By embracing inclusive attitudes and utilizing adaptive products like those mentioned, people can take a proactive approach to ensure that holiday celebrations are accessible and enjoyable for everyone. This commitment to inclusivity not only enhances the overall holiday experience but also fosters a sense of belonging and joy for individuals of all mobility levels, fostering a truly inclusive and festive atmosphere for all.  

    The above products could be available to Veterans through their VA benefits and if they are interested in the products they need to discuss them with their VA Primary Care Physician, VA Occupational Therapist or VA Physical Therapist.  The VA could also provide these products to Veterans by Medical pracitioners submitting the Request for Service Form 10-10172 and submit to the VA Community Care coordinator.  If you have questions about any of the above products or any products on our website, please feel free inquire further information

    From the Pisces Family to yours, we hope you have a stress-free and happy holiday season with the ones you love. 

    Breaking Down Spasticity: Understanding the Effects of Stroke on Muscle Control
    0 Breaking Down Spasticity: Understanding the Effects of Stroke on Muscle Control

    May is National Stroke Awareness Month and is dedicated to educating the public about signs and symptoms before a stroke, how to live after having a stroke, and the possible symptoms your body may experience that occur following a stroke.

    After a person has a stroke, a variety of side effects can develop including a very serious and debilitating symptom called Spasticity. This condition leads to involuntary muscle contractions and can affect the muscles in a number of ways causing them to become stiff or tight. Most often, spasticity causes the hand to become clenched and fingers to curl. Severe spasticity in the hand is due to miscommunication between the brain and the muscles, causing the muscles that control the hand to spasm and gradually tighten. If left untreated, spasticity can contribute to the development of extreme stiffness or shortening in the muscles, joints, and connective tissue known as contractures.

    The later effects of spasticity developing into contractures include causing the range of motion of the fingers and wrist to become even more restricted and resulting in the fingers curling into the palm.

    It’s important to take spasticity seriously by managing it early enough to prevent contractures from developing. This will help maximize a patient’s mobility function and avoid the increased pain or discomfort that can be accompanied by contractures. However, even if spasticity has progressed to the point of contractures, there are still ways to gradually relax the muscles in the hand and fingers, although this will require time and consistency.

    Fortunately, thanks to modern healthcare treatments, it is possible to rewire the brain and restore mobility in the hand and fingers. Be sure to work alongside your VA occupational or physical therapist so they can help set you up for success by providing optimal exercises, splints, and other rehab techniques to reverse or control the effects of spasticity.

    If you or a loved one has had a stroke and are experiencing debilitation of movement in your hands, you can expect your VA Occupational or Physical therapist to recommend treatments to help relax spasticity in the fingers through several methods including:

    Hand Splints:  are often prescribed to optimize daily stretching as these devices can provide long-duration, low-load stretching to the muscles and joints of the hand and finger. Stretching the hand muscles and connective tissue helps prevent spasticity from worsening into contractures. It’s important to perform the stretch in a pain-free range.

    The SaeboStretch is a resting dynamic hand splint (hand/wrist orthosis) that helps Veterans affected by stroke manage spasticity while minimizing joint damage and pain.

    • The stretch technology assists in preventing or reducing joint damage and pain. With hard static splints, there is increased pressure at the finger joints. The dynamic, flexible SaeboStretch hand plates reduce the pressure at the joints by allowing the hand plates to bend with the fingers when the tone increases.
    • Stretch comfortably to increase motivation and compliance safely, allowing your fingers to relax while preventing cuts, sores and hygiene issues associated with sweat and fingernails digging into the palm of your hand.
    • Includes three interchangeable hand pieces that can accommodate various levels of spasticity to help improve motion.
    • The proprietary strapping system uses key anatomical points for maximizing control and ensuring an intimate fit, along with a malleable wrist and thumb mount for further customization.
    • Designed with a comfortable non-slip cover and straps to keep fingers in the desired position and an adjustable thumb system to allow for radial and palmar adduction/abduction.
    • Cover features a zipper closure which can easily be removed for cleaning to promote hand hygiene.
    • Can be worn for numerous hours and while sleeping to obtain the maximum benefits and preserves the integrity of the skin.

    Hand Spasticity Exercises: Exercise is arguably the most effective intervention for hand spasticity after stroke. Practicing therapeutic hand movements on a consistent basis helps spark neuroplasticity: the process the brain uses to rewire itself.

    As hand spasticity exercises are practiced with high repetition, the brain works to create and strengthen neural pathways that communicate with the affected hand muscles.

    As the brain starts to regain the ability to send signals to the affected hand, it also regains the ability to send signals that tell the hand and fingers to relax, decreasing spasticity.

    Passive Hand Exercises: are utilized when active hand exercises are not yet an immediate ability and can still be used to help reduce spasticity. Passive exercise involves assisting your affected wrist, hand and fingers through their range of motion with a prolonged passive muscle stretch. This can be done by using your non-affected side to move your hand or can also be performed with the help of a caregiver or therapist.

    The following range of motion exercises are for the wrist and hand that a Veteran can do for him/herself without a caregiver.

    Prepare for exercise:

    • clasping your hands together, can be completed seated or laying down.
    • 10 repetitions for each exercise and hold the joint at the end range for a total of 1 to 3 seconds, in a pain free zone.

    Wrist Flexion and Extension - bend your wrist slowly side to side.

    Wrist Supination and Pronation - Turn weak hand palm up and then palm down.

    Finger Flexion and Extension - Bend fingers of weak hand into palm then straighten. If hands are already fisted, then only work on straightening fingers.

    Thumb Flexion and Extension Move thumb to little finger. Then bend and straighten the thumb out to the side to stretch the "web space"

    Every stroke is different, and every Veteran will benefit from different approaches throughout the stages of recovery. Talk to your VA occupational or physical therapist today to see which treatments and products are most suitable for you!

    March is National Essential Tremor Awareness Month!
    0 March is National Essential Tremor Awareness Month!

    Visualize some of the tasks you perform on a daily basis; brushing your teeth, pouring a glass of water, typing on your phone, cutting vegetables, etc. Think of the ease and minimum effort it takes to perform these basic tasks, probably to the point where it becomes second nature and you do not even need to think about it. Now imagine trying to complete these daily tasks while your hand involuntarily shakes. How would you perform these tasks? Could you perform these tasks shaking so violently? How do you think your inability to do something as simple as taking a sip of water would affect your mental health? These are real life difficulties and questions people living with an Essential Tremor must deal with every day.

    March is National Essential Tremor Awareness month, and Pisces Healthcare Solutions is dedicating time to talk about this serious neurological disorder that causes uncontrollable, involuntary rhythmic shaking of the body. Most often, an Essential Tremor affects the head, voice, arms, and legs. A tremor can threaten your ability to maintain independence which goes in hand with every other aspect of one’s daily life. The cause to an Essential Tremor is still unknown and there is still no cure to stop the tremor all together, in fact essential tremors can become progressively worse over time. However, great research is being curated for preventative and treatable measures of the disease.

    Currently there are not remedies available on the market that completely stop a tremor altogether. However, there are available treatments that attempt to minimize the involuntary shaking as much as possible. One of the best non-invasive treatments are assistive devices that help contain the involuntary shakes caused by the tremor. Pisces Healthcare Solutions offers several products all with the goal of reducing tremor shakes. The Steadi-Two is non-pharmacological glove tool used to treat tremors which works by stabilizing a hand. This stabilizing technology has some proven physics behind it. The technology behind the Stead-Two is the same seismic technology that is used in buildings to prevent them from collapsing and help maintain stability during earthquakes. The glove technology works by vibrating opposite to the motion of the tremor, just like one would find in a seesaw.

    The hand glove is a washable, battery-free device compared to others on the market that may need to be charged multiple times throughout the day. The Steadi-Two uses two magnetic disks that provide an opposing force equal to the tremor. This stabilizes the hand and allows patients to go about their daily activities. The glove device can also be used for both hands and provides tremor relief without any side effects that can be experienced when taking medication or injections. In benchtop testing, 80% reduction in the amplitude of tremors was demonstrated.

    The Steadi-Two is available for Veterans that may be suffering with tremors from Parkinson’s or Essential Tremors. Speak to you VA Primary care team, VA Neurologist, or VA occupational therapist about setting up a live demonstration where you can try on the Steadi-Two to see how it can aid in your mobility, independence, and change your life

    Pisces Awarded 3rd National Award - A $39 Million National Contract for Standard Manual Wheelchairs & Accessories
    0 Pisces Awarded 3rd National Award - A $39 Million National Contract for Standard Manual Wheelchairs & Accessories
    Pisces Awarded $39 Million National Contract for Standard Manual Wheelchairs & Accessories Pisces is thrilled to announce that it has won the National contract to supply the Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics with its standard manual wheelchairs and accessories. The award, a five-year procurement issued by the Strategic Acquisition Center, has an estimated value of $39.8 million over its life and marks the third national contact that Pisces has been awarded by the Veteran Health Administration. “We are super pleased that the VHA continues to recognize the quality products and service that Pisces provides to our veterans. Successful execution of these awards and ensuring that our veterans receive the products and care they need is our number one priority,” says Louis Hernandez, President and CEO of Pisces Healthcare Solutions. For VA personnel looking for more information about the specific products included in this contract award, please contact your local Pisces Healthcare Solutions Consultant.
    Pisces Healthcare Solutions Wins Second DALC National Contract Award
    Pisces Healthcare Solutions Wins Second DALC National Contract Award
    Pisces Healthcare is excited to announce it has been awarded its second national contract with the Denver Acquisition & Logistics Center (DALC) for the supply of nebulizer compressors. The award, worth an estimated $13.5 million based on annual renewals over the five year contract period, is to provide nebulizer compressors and accessories to the Veteran Health Administration (VHA). “This award reaffirms our proven track record of providing quality products in a timely manner to our veterans and those who care for them” says Louis Hernandez, President and CEO of Pisces Healthcare Solutions. Hernandez added that “while the past two years has been a challenging environment due to the pandemic and supply chain issues, Pisces has successfully managed through it with our best-in-class logistics and analytics teams. We look forward to continuing to build our partnerships with the VHA and our supplier network.” For VA personnel looking for more information about the specific products included in this contract award in the ROES system, please contact Pisces Healthcare Solutions