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    Neater Powered Drinker

    The Neater Powered Drinker enables people to drink liquids and puréed foods at their own pace. The amount of liquid it can pump can be set by the user, and the liquid does not touch any parts of the mechanical pump, meaning it is easy to keep clean and long-lasting. ** 6-8 WEEK DELIVERY TIME**
    Product #: 2NPDDNE


    • Increases independence

    • With this independence, the user can enjoy liquids without stress

    • May reduce the need for drugs to expel air from the stomach

    • The liquid does not touch the mechanical parts of the peristaltic pump

    • The amount of liquid to suit the user is easily selected

    • Time for swallowing is allowed before it can pump again, so the user doesn't feel rushed

    • Comes with 1 button switch  - replacement button switches can be purchased in a 3 pack Product SKU: 2NBNNE 


    • Increases independence

    • With this independence, the user can enjoy liquids without stress

    • May reduce the need for drugs to expel air from the stomach

    • The liquid does not touch the mechanical parts of the peristaltic pump

    • The amount of liquid to suit the user is easily selected

    • Time for swallowing is allowed before it can pump again, so the user doesn't feel rushed

    • Comes with 1 button switch  - replacement button switches can be purchased in a 3 pack Product SKU: 2NBNNE 

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