Helps develop isolated finger strength, flexibility and coordination. The ergonomic ball shape positions fingers and hand for ideal pressure distribution. Comes with exercise pamphlet.
This unique therapy device can isolate the extension of all five fingers and each of the individual finger joints. The product strengthens the intrinsic and extrinsic muscle groups to maximize extensor tendon gliding, joint motion, coordination and muscle function in the hand and forearm.
Combines best features of Digi-Extend® and Digi-Squeeze®. It helps to develop isolated finger strength, flexibility and coordination. Provides complete reciprocal exercise program (flexion and extension). Ergonomic ball-shape positions fingers and hand for ideal pressure distribution.
The Power Web Flex Grip is a unique exerciser that fits in your palm and provides the ability to work dexterity, extension and strengthening in your hands, fingers, and thumbs.
Hand exercisers develop isolated finger strength, flexibility and coordination as it builds hand and forearm strength. Use each button independently to exercise fingers or compress the entire unit for complete hand and forearm strengthening. Develops isolated finger strength, flexibility, and coordination. Stronger fingers cannot compensate for weaker ones. Progressive color-coded resistance gives patient positive feedback. Also builds hand and forearm strength.
Xtensor Finger Extension Exerciser is for therapists treating patients recovering from a multitude of symptoms including: tennis elbow, tendonitis in the wrist, overcoming the effects of a stroke, and hand trauma rehabilitation.
The rubber webbing of each exerciser offers varying degrees of resistance and elasticity to improve strength and ROM. For everything from one finger to both hands. Includes exercise manual.
CanDo TheraPutty Exercise Putty is the standard in resistive hand exercise material. TheraPutty is the name trusted by more doctors, therapists, hospitals and clinics than any other to strengthen hand muscles and grip, improve fine motor skills and decrease stress. With each squeeze, pinch, stretch, grip and/or twist, TheraPutty puts you on the path to healthier hands and fingers, improves fine motor skills and decreases stress.
The HandWeight is ideal for providing proprioceptive input to the hand for individuals who experience diminished sensory feedback. It can help increase kinesthetic awareness during fine motor or self help activities, and can also be used for strengthening exercises.
Rehabilitation Advantage Manipulation Activity Board was created to improve a user’s dexterity. The variety of activities on this busy board allows the user to fine tune their motor skills while improving their finger strength. It makes the perfect addition to any home or therapy clinic, and can be used for a variety of applications. Keep your little one entertained while introducing them to general life skills; or provide a workspace for elderly patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s. This board can be set up in seconds using the provided 3-piece stand.
Therapeutic for hands, wrists, arms, biceps & triceps with its high performance design. Provides a relaxing and extremely effective way to strengthen your grip, wrist, forearm and biceps, as well as improving coordination without strenuous exercise. Choose from Auto-start Gyro Ball or Powerball Sports Pro Gyro Ball. Each sold separately.
Increase strength and range of motion using the Figure 8 System. Design a weighted exercise program for strengthening scapula, shoulder and forearm muscles.
The HandMaster hand exerciser helps strengthen hand muscles and can be used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, RSI's (repetitive stress injuries), tendonitis, DeQuervains' syndrome, Dupuytren's contracture, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, stroke, neuropathy, post-surgical rehabilitation, sprain/dislocation/fracture rehabilitation, subluxation and adhesion, and circulatory concerns.
E-Z Exer-Board helps to improve finger dexterity and hand strength. The board has a suction cup base to provide stable platform for seven tools that offer various resistance during exercise. Provides resistive finger flexion, extension and lateral prehension, forearm supination and pronation, and wrist flexion and extension.
AliMed Swanson Hand Cone is shaped to fit the anatomy of a partially closed fist. The hook-and-loop strap keeps the cone in place - each finger has its own contoured resting place. No injury-causing hard edges. Firm rubber construction has a pleasant tactile feel and does not stimulate finger flexion or spasticity. Developed by Alfred Swanson, M.D., FACS. Fits left or right hand. Black. Firm rubber.
Jux-A-Cisor Arm Exerciser ideal for improving wrist ROM, tracking, sequencing, and coordination. Exercise can be timed, forearm weights added and other variations for maximum benefit.
The Hand Weight is a weighted pouch that rests on the back of the hand that is recommended for use during fine motor or self help activities. It can also be beneficial for rehab purposes, reducing tremoring and strengthening activities. This adapted hand weight provides excellent proprioceptive input and additional hand stability for users who experience tremors during fine motor tasks.
A lightweight portable exerciser designed to improve grip strength and upper extremity function. The Flexbar has broad applications for both rehab and sports specific training. 12 inch bar.
Semi-circular pegboard designed for people with hand injuries, neurological involvement or orthopedic injuries. Increase upper extremity ROM, strength, coordination and endurance, or improve cognitive and visual skills. 3 tiers hold 43 pegs. Pegs come in two different lengths and three diameters.