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    Wedge Cup

    A valuable cup to aid clients with injuries, dysphagia, or other swallowing difficulties. The unique design allows the cup contents to be drained without moving the patient’s head back. The wedge designed to fit inside the cup directs the flow of the liquid through the opening in the lid without head movement. Has an adjustable flow control and large handle. Both hot- and cold-compatible and can be used with thickened liquids.
    Product #: 2167KE
    • Helps patients with
      • Dysphagia and progressive neurogenic disease
      • Head and neck cancer patients with impaired tongue function
      • Patients with decreased range of motion of the neck
      • Patients with increased risk of aspiration when the head is tilted back for swallow
      • Patients with oral motor weakness that has impaired their ability to drink from a standard cup
    • Designed with a fully adjustable flow control that regulates the continuous output of liquids – from normal flow to greatly reduced delivery, allowing the patient to comfortably and easily drink at their own pace
    • Plastic
    • Dishwasher-safe
    • Helps patients with
      • Dysphagia and progressive neurogenic disease
      • Head and neck cancer patients with impaired tongue function
      • Patients with decreased range of motion of the neck
      • Patients with increased risk of aspiration when the head is tilted back for swallow
      • Patients with oral motor weakness that has impaired their ability to drink from a standard cup
    • Designed with a fully adjustable flow control that regulates the continuous output of liquids – from normal flow to greatly reduced delivery, allowing the patient to comfortably and easily drink at their own pace
    • Plastic
    • Dishwasher-safe