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    Neater Eater Dining Robot Feeder Update and Voice Commands

    The Neater Eater Dining Robot Feeder update now allows for voice control, allowing the user to operate their Neater Robot by simply speaking the text displayed on the tablet’s buttons to control their Robot Feeder. 


    How To Update Your Neater Eater

    How to Enable Voice Control

    1. Select Menu

    To be enabled once update is completed. 

    2. More Settings

    1. Select Menu  

    3. Display Settings

    2. More Settings  

    4. Scroll down to "Update the app"

    3. Sounds and Voice  

    5. If not already connected to WiFi,

    select "OK" to connect to Wifi or Hot Spot

    4. Voice Control  

    6. Once you select WiFi network, select "Next"

    5. Select "Yes" or "No"  

    7. This will bring you to Google Play Store in the Neater App.

    If tablet screen turns off while loading,

    simply press the button on the top of the tablet to turn the screen back on. 

    6. Say "Neater Continue" to proceed  

    8. Press the "Update" button. Depending on your WiFi connection,

    this may take several minutes to update

    7. You are ready to use Neater Eater Voice Control


    Neater Eater Voice Control:

    Now with the ability to customize voice control to the individual user!

    The written words on the tablet's buttons are all programmed into the voice  control.

    This feature allows the neater eater to be controlled with your specific voice and speech as well as to be customized to your preferred words or phrases. The robot is able to be controlled from almost any source or user, including persons with dysarthria, users of an electrolarynx, or with verbal controls from a high tech AAC device.

    Once voice control is enabled, go to:

    Settings -> More Settings -> Sounds and Voice -> Custom Voice Control

    In this menu, you can scroll through and see all the available functions or search for a specific function.

    Select which command you want to customize by scrolling or using the search feature.

    Press the green plus (+) on the right-hand side of your screen and say the new command. Once the Neater Eater, hears the sound, it will search through its library of words and choose the word or phrase that matches the closest to the sound it heard, displaying that word or phrase on screen.

    Press the green checkmark to save. 

    • To adjust the mouth position by voice:
      • State "Adjust by voice"
        • Verbal options for positioning include: up, down, lower, higher, forward, and back
        • Once position is set, verbally state: "Save here"

     Additional Voice Commands

    • "Turn the plate" which indicates continuous rotation of the play until you say "Stop"
    • "Neater help" or "Robot help" opens the help document where you can navigate by saying "top", "next", "speed up", "slow down", "scroll up", "scroll down", "exit", or "stop". 

    * Voice control is paused at times, for instance when audio or video files are being played or while in Advanced Settings.