Q – What is the difference between the Ferticare 2.0 Device and the Viberect/ViberectX3 Devices?
The Viberect is designed for men with Mild to Moderate Erectile Dysfunction. This device is a dual sided device. It is normally “more than enough” for most men to provoke an erection. It is also commonly utilized to enhance recovery of nerve function after prostate cancer treatments. Power Levels can be increased/decreased when using this device.
This device is discontinued – The Viberect X3 device was more powerful than the Viberect. This device is a dual sided device. Viberect X3 is strong enough to provoke ejaculation (FDA) in men with spinal cord injury who wish to have children. It is also used by men without spinal cord injury who wish to improve their orgasm response, and who may have delayed ejaculation. It is safe, clinically proven to provoke ejaculation in 77% (23/30) of men with spinal cord injury above spinal level T10.
The Ferticare 2.0 Device is specifically designed for men with Spinal Cord Injury, much more powerful that the Viberect X3 device. The Ferticare 2.0 device is a “wand-style” vibratory device. Power levels AND Frequencies can be increase and decreased while using the device. Best results are shown in SCI level with a T10 or above.