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    Divided Oven-Safe Porcelain Plate

    Product #: 247561A
    • GUIDED BALANCED MEALS: Portion control divided plate to guide portion size of each food group, making it easier to stay within your daily calorie needs and get the most nutrition out of each meal. 
    • RECOMMENDED BY: Dietitians, Nutritionists, and Diabetes Educators internationally. Control portions and serve right amount of food to lose weight effectively. Great for bariatric diet. 
    • FINEST QUALITY: Dishwasher safe, Freezer safe, and Microwave safe; Plate can withstand heat up to 572 degrees F. 
    • WELL DESIGNED: High sectioned partition and side edges ensure food separation and allows food to be easily scooped up.
    • GUIDED BALANCED MEALS: Portion control divided plate to guide portion size of each food group, making it easier to stay within your daily calorie needs and get the most nutrition out of each meal. 
    • RECOMMENDED BY: Dietitians, Nutritionists, and Diabetes Educators internationally. Control portions and serve right amount of food to lose weight effectively. Great for bariatric diet. 
    • FINEST QUALITY: Dishwasher safe, Freezer safe, and Microwave safe; Plate can withstand heat up to 572 degrees F. 
    • WELL DESIGNED: High sectioned partition and side edges ensure food separation and allows food to be easily scooped up.
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