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    Anal Dilators

    Silicone rectal / anal dilators were designed by pelvic floor specialist, Dr. Amanda Olson. Our dilators are made from smooth, medical-grade, 100% BPA-free silicone and shaped for maximum safety and comfort. The anal dilators are for both recreational and medical use for men and women. These may be purchased as a full set of 8 gradually progressing sizes, in four packs of small, medium, and large, or individually. All anal dilators ship in discreet packaging to maintain privacy. Lead time to ship 3-4 weeks
    • Rectal dilators are a useful tool to address painful pelvic floor issues such as levator ani syndrome, spasms of muscles around the anus, pelvic pain, proctalgia fugax, functional constipation, and stenosis of the anus or rectum following surgery or certain cancer treatments.
    • These issues can affect people of all sexes and genders. While these conditions result in pain and can bring emotional distress and impact relationships, the good news is that they are fixable.
    • Rectal dilators are a tool often utilized in conjunction with pelvic floor physical therapy or rehabilitation to address pain and muscular issues around the anus and within the pelvic floor.

    They are used to gently stretch and open the anal canal. Some symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction around the anus include:

    • Pain with sitting
    • Sensation of spasms at the anus
    • Pain or difficulty with bowel movement
    • Stenosis from anorectal radiation therapy
    • Scars from surgery
    • Pain following an injury
    • Pain with anal intercourse
    • Pain in the rectum with orgasm
    1. Begin each rectal dilator session by washing the rectal dilators before use with a mild soap and warm water. Pat the dilators dry with a towel.
    2. Find a comfortable position to do your rectal dilator session. Each person responds differently to positions. A few common comfortable positions may include laying on your back with knees bent, lying on your left side, hands and knees position, or deep squat position.
    3. Do your rectal dilator sessions in soothing and quiet location such as your bed or a yoga mat on the floor.

    To Begin:

    1. Place 1-2 tablespoons of water-based lubricant on both the anal opening and the tip of the dilator. Do not use a silicone or petroleum-based lubricants as they will ruin the medical grade silicone dilator.
    2. To insert, place the tip of the dilator a 45-90-degree angle to the rectum. Breathe deeply by inhaling through the nose and exhale through the mouth, then gently ease the dilator into the anus. Continue to breathe deeply and glide the dilator deeper with each breath.
    3. Continue to gently ease the dilator into the anus until the dilator is fully inserted, that is when the rim base is in contact with the outer skin of the anus. Remain for a few breaths, and then the dilator can be removed.
    4. Wash the dilator with mild soap and warm water and pat dry the dilator thoroughly.
    5. Once a dilator is easy to insert you may move up to the next dilator. The size of the dilator you continue to work towards will match your end goal.
    • Rectal dilators are a useful tool to address painful pelvic floor issues such as levator ani syndrome, spasms of muscles around the anus, pelvic pain, proctalgia fugax, functional constipation, and stenosis of the anus or rectum following surgery or certain cancer treatments.
    • These issues can affect people of all sexes and genders. While these conditions result in pain and can bring emotional distress and impact relationships, the good news is that they are fixable.
    • Rectal dilators are a tool often utilized in conjunction with pelvic floor physical therapy or rehabilitation to address pain and muscular issues around the anus and within the pelvic floor.

    They are used to gently stretch and open the anal canal. Some symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction around the anus include:

    • Pain with sitting
    • Sensation of spasms at the anus
    • Pain or difficulty with bowel movement
    • Stenosis from anorectal radiation therapy
    • Scars from surgery
    • Pain following an injury
    • Pain with anal intercourse
    • Pain in the rectum with orgasm
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